Scratch Chat Activity Pack What will you need?
The Scratch website. It is free to use and works on all devices.
What will you learn?
The basics of Scratch, including:
– Add backgrounds (stages) and characters (sprites).
– Write a simple program to have two sprites talk to each other using text outputs and a wait block.
– Write a program for a sprite (e.g ball) to move a certain distance.
2. Backgrounds (stages)
Watch the video to learn how to add backgrounds, which are called Stages in Scratch.
Once you have watched the video, try it yourself.
3. Characters (sprites)
Now add some characters (sprites) into your stage and move/resize them. For this program we are going to have two animal sprites and a ball sprite.
4. Write a program for the sprites to speak (text outputs).
Write a simple program to make your cat sprite speak when the green flag is clicked or pressed (Executed). Watch video tutorial to help you.
5. Wait!!
Write a simple program for your second sprite so that it also speaks but use the wait block so that it waits for the first sprite to speak. Watch the video tutorial to help you.
6. Movements
Add a ball sprite and write a program for it to move from one character sprite to another. Use the ‘glide to‘ block so the ball can be seen moving.
Remember, you will need to use a wait code block at the start to let the characters finish talking.
Can you continue the conversation? How would the character send the ball back?
7. Text to Voice
Add audio voices to your sprites using the text to speech code blocks. Watch the video tutorial to help you.