Frequently Asked Questions
Trusted resources used by teachers and pupils in over 1000 schools.
Which order should I teach the packs?
Please use our Progression page for our suggested teaching sequence for Years 1-6.
Can the activity packs be used across a school with mixed-age classes?
Yes, we have many schools who use the website to cover the computing curriculum in mixed-age classes. Please get in touch and we can help you map out the best way for your school
Does it work with different devices (iPads, Chromebooks etc)?
The activity packs include activities for common software across Microsoft, Google and Apple or websites compatible with all devices. So regardless of the devices your school have, teachers and pupils will be able to follow the activities.
Does my school have to pay for extra software to use the activity packs?
No, the activity packs use free web-based software or common software such as Microsoft Office, Google Docs or Apple iWork apps.
How many logins do I get?
All teachers at a school share the login which has its single user access restrictions removed.
Pupils access each pupil activity pack using a unique pupil activity code, these codes are restricted based on the plan purchased.
What are pupil activity pack codes?
You can find more information about pupil activity pack codes here.
Who are we?
Teachers! Adam Foster is an experienced Primary Computing teacher and lecturer. Adam created the popular Primary Computing and iPad Teacher Guide apps, which were used by thousands of teachers worldwide – all his content plus more is now available through this website. Prior to creating iLearn2, Adam provided training and support across the UK and Europe to hundreds of schools on digital learning and the computing curriculum.
Kelly Foster is an experienced Key Stage 1 teacher and Computing Co-ordinator. Kelly teaches part-time and contributes to our Key Stage 1 resources, as well as adding voiceovers for many of the pupil video tutorials.
iLearn2 also includes contributions by experienced Primary teachers and website programmers.
Can I try it before purchasing?
We have a free sample activity pack and associated pupil activity pack for each of EYFS to Year 6 plus 4 free Scratch Pupil Activity Packs. Visit each year group page or the Progression page to find these free packs.
Why is it subscription based, not a one-off payment?
Technology does not stand still and neither does this website. We add new content every week so teachers can keep up-to-date and receive new resources regularly. The pupil activities mean teachers and schools can use the website every year with new classes to help teach pupils computing.
Can you invoice the school to pay for a subscription?
All new purchases and renewals will need to be paid online through our pricing page. One of the reasons we are able to keep the price of the subscriptions so affordable is by removing the administration time of creating and chasing invoices. As stated on the pricing page, we are able to invoice a school for payment by BACS or cheque but there will be an additional £15 admin charge per year.
How can I change the username/password/email address of our school account?
As schools share login details across all the teachers then, for security reasons, please email us from a school email address to make changes (ideally the email address associated to the account).
When is our subscription renewal date?
Please email us for your school’s renewal date. We send out reminders 30 days prior to your renewal date and if required, 7 days and on the day of your renewal.
Can the website be used outside the UK?
We have hundreds of schools and teachers plus thousands of pupils using the website all over the world. The navigation of the website is based around the Primary Computing Curriculum for England but the activity packs can be used in any English speaking school.
Can you notify me when new resources are added?
When you subscribe to iLearn2 your email will be added to our mailing list so we can email you when new content is added. You can unsubscribe from the mailing list at anytime by following the link at the bottom of each email.
Primary Computing Resources